Lit Review: Other Relevant Cases to Johnny Manziel

Like Johnny Manziel, other high-profile athletes have been in situations putting their reputations at risk.

The five cases included in our research cover Michael Vick, LeBron James, Alex Rodriguez, Terrell Owens and Michael Phelps. These will help us to further understand the different public relations methods used during a crisis situation.

 The Michael Vick case is more severe than Manziel’s diva behavior, but it helps to cover a wide range of crises and responses. Vick was the ringleader for a dogfighting chain and encouraged the killing of bad performing dogs.

 After his 18-month stay in prison, Vick didn’t focus his publicity on being remorseful for what he had done, but on proving to people he had changed. He got involved with the Humane Society to eradicate dog fighting and traveled to schools to educate children on the proper treatment of animals.

Michael Vick– Dog fighting/ Animal Abuse

  • Eradicate dog fighting with Humane Society
  • Travel to educate children on proper animal care
  • Show he changed by his actions

The LeBron James case emphasizes that people get their information more from social media than any other news outlet. So most people are hearing fabricated stories before they hear the truth.

The fact that LeBron shared his moving teams with his fans on “The Decision” caused huge controversy. It was a HUGE deal. Fan involvement is a crucial part of fan perception of an athlete. The LeBron James case discusses how the different types of fan involvement create different reactions during a crisis or scandal.

LeBron James– Switched Teams

  • Came out on television special “The Decision”
    • Outraged more fans with low involvement than high
    • Fans with deeply rooted feelings about LeBron were more likely to stand by him

Alex Rodriguez has undergone a lot of heat in the public for steroid use. His strategy for addressing it to the public was by use of television. His main strategy was to bolster the situation—he shifted the attention to how honest he for coming clean rather than choosing to continue the lie.

Alex Rodriguez– Steroid Use

  • Bolstering
    • Shifted attention to his  honesty
    • Highlighted more important characteristics of himself
  • Mortification
    • Admits use of steroids and asks for forgiveness
  • Blame
    • Too much pressure to perform

Terrell Owens’ is known for being a diva, much like Johnny Manziel. After Owens’ public controversy over his contract and countless other inappropriate antics, Owens attempted certain strategies to fix his damaged reputation.

 Terrell Owens– Bad Attitude

  • Bolstering
    • Highlights his great football playing in Press conference
    • Highlights he’s a fighter
    • Mortification
      • He apologized to everybody in Press Releases

Owens was able to create common grounds with his fans using these techniques although he never said he would change his ways.

Michael Phelps was successfully able to repair his image after marijuana allegations. The first thing he did was apologize and admit it was wrong and that it won’t happen again. He was able to restore his reputation mainly by the use of bolstering.

Michael Phelps– Marijuana

  • Mortification
    • He acknowledged the behavior and said it demonstrated bad judgment
    • Bolstering
      • He reminded people he is a gold medal Olympian
      • He is young and acted youthful
      • Corrective Action
        • He promises it will not happen again

Because of Phelps’ reputation and image, he had a lot of sponsors such as Speedo and Visa also administering bolstering and minimizing tactics for his actions.

The most common tactic used by all these athletes is bolstering as a response to a crisis. The go-to reaction seems to be, “yeah I did this, but THIS is more important to focus on” with example X, Y and Z listed as reasons why.

A closer look at Johnny Manziel

Johnny Manziel is an interesting person. He’s a 20-year-old with a Heisman under his belt, but doesn’t seem to have the same character as previous Heisman winners. After briefly analyzing Manziel’s current PR strategies to handle his criticism, Melissa and I concluded the following:

Strategy/ Tactic: 

  • SIMPLE DENIAL (Did not do Act)

He initially denied being drunk at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy

Denied the illegal signing

  • SHIFT BLAME (Another did act)

He denied having a rolled blunt in a picture of him kissing the Heisman, blamed on photoshop

He insisted he was just tired and overslept at Passing Academy

Reduce Offensiveness

  • BOLSTER (Stress good traits)

He tweeted an apology to his negative tweet about College Station

He tweets his fans

  • CORRECTIVE ACTION (Plan to solve or Prevent Problem)

He has laid very low since accusations over signing


After Manziel bad talked the Texas A&M coaches/ his school he came out with an official apology

Johnny Manziel doesn’t have a great reputation right now. He’s such a gifted athlete and yet the main thing being talked about is his intense party habit. Articles that should be focusing on his talents– and why he became famous in the first place– are overshadowed by the many articles written about his drinking or his bad attitude. 




His last 2 Tweets are from over 3 months ago– Maybe he’s trying to stay out of the public eye purposely to try to recover his rep? I bet being called ‘undraftable’ by many sports articles has definitely had an impact on his actions since. 

Image Whether or not it has to do with his football schedule or something else, it’s good that Johnny Manziel has stopped with social media for awhile. Stopping the controversial tweeting is an excellent start to repair his image. 



Manziel undraftable (bleacherreport)

Manziel partying (espn)






Junior League Goals and Objectives


The Junior League of Waco has been around for 77+ years. Still, people hear the Junior League and aren’t exactly sure what it is these women do. Are they sitting in a circle knitting all day? Is it like Cotillion? NO.

Two things that go hand in hand with the Junior League are working hard to improve the community and developing the potential of women. Over the past years it’s been a challenge to instill their brand identity in the community.

One thing they need help with is membership recruitment. The only way to keep an organization running is with dedicated members. My group and I plan to implement the following:

Team Goals:

  • Increase the number of traditional media articles about the Junior League of Waco
  • Increase the presence of the Junior League of Waco in social media over the next 6 months
  • Increase the number of memberships by 5% in the next 6 months


  • Send press releases to the Waco Tribune-Herald
  • Send news releases to the Wacoan and Waco Today
  • Send PSA to news stations
  • Increase the Junior League’s Facebook friends list and Twitter following
  • Create tweets and Facebook posts for a 2 week period
  • Create membership tea event
  • Create Facebook event page
  • Send informational pamphlets and brochures to target women (18-35 years)
  • Create flyers

Key Publics:

  • Women wanting to improve the community
  • Women wanting to improve themselves


2013 Provisional Members of the Junior League of Waco

**Take a look at the Junior League of Waco’s website HERE**

** Jump to Membership Recruitment**

**CLICK HERE for inspiration**

My Shameless Plug

By Brandy Stinchcomb

I had never heard of a shameless plug before, so getting started was pretty tricky to say the least. A PowerPoint all about myself didn’t sound difficult until I sat down to actually do it.

Really, the hardest part of the whole plug was the first slide. Deciding what my goals in life are was a lot harder than I thought. I sat and stared at the blank slide for what felt like an hour before I decided to start browsing photos I was going to incorporate into it.

This is where the plug picked up momentum

Browsing through hundreds and hundreds of photos on my computer for what seemed like another hour or so sparked some ideas. (Of course, then I had around 50 photos chosen and had to cut the amount to around 15.)

After realizing that about 70% of the photos on my computer are of my sweet dog Mali, it instantly clicked and I remembered a goal I’ve had since I was a child—to eventually open up an animal shelter. I’ve always had a strong passion for animals and don’t see that passion going anywhere!



She really enjoys piggy back rides.

Finding inspirational photos wasn’t hard. My friends and family are definitely inspiring to me, and always have been.


^My best friend since the 3rd grade and I! ^

The process of creating my shameless plug has really opened my eyes. Not only was this exciting to make (once I got on a roll) but it also showed me a little bit more about myself.

I’ve never stopped to actually lie out certain aspects of my life in photos and quotes as opposed to lists. It really helped to spark my creativity!

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